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Home Front

Day Lagos women resolved to vie for political offices

Madam Silifat Bello is a woman leader in her community and wields enormous influence among fellow women. Anytime she speaks, others listen with rapt a

Women as instruments of peaceful elections

More so, ensuring peace and non violence during elections is key to having free and fair elections. It allows the right people to get into power, help

Children should not beg

In this case some parents take their children to other  places and put them under the care of a teacher for acquiring Islamic knowledge but many

Why parents should register children’s birth

The country’s laws provides that all births must be registered within 60 days.The Vital Registration department of the National Populations Commission

The medic’s role on women’s health, development

Thus medical personnel, particularly medics (doctors), have a crucial role to play in their lives.It is also vital for women to have access to health