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Simple steps to organise your kitchenware effectively

You need not consider expensive methods like reconstruction or renovating your kitchen space to make room for your kitchenware. Instead, the best way

The negative impact of video games on children

For most people, computer use and video game play is integrated into their lives in a balanced manner. For others, time spent on the computer or video

‘Self employment key in empowering vulnerable groups’

Your organization initiated the annual celebration of Welfare Day in the country, what inspired it and what is it all about?The  desire to achiev

Recipes for successful marital life

Imam Mustapha Zayed, an Ilorin based Islamic cleric, explained that the major factor for a successful marriage lies in selecting the right partner; “I

Why different parenting styles shouldn’t cause conflicts in the home

It is not uncommon to find women shielding, begging or outrightly insulting their husbands for being too strict with the children, or men who pick off