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Why children should not hawk

What is the benefit of this street hawking among our children? Does it contribute to the economic development of the country or does it contribute imm

Why many pregnant women prefer home delivery in Kaduna

The trend of home delivery is not only applicable to women in the rural areas but also those in the urban centres, though they have diverse reasons wh

Empowering young women with entrepreneurship skills

Vera Jude had planned to spend the last summer or long holiday on frivolities. She would travel to meet an uncle of hers, go to cinemas and hang out w

House helps and employers sour relationship

She suffered second degree burns on her buttocks, including her private part and was rushed to the hospital where she is presently recuperating while

Role of parents in preventing child trafficking

The 12-year-old and his parents were very happy at this golden opportunity. However, when he got there, instead of performing hajj, he was handed over