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Home Front

Why do we make our children lie?

Why do parents want to impose their opinions on their boys and girls? These children have their own likes and dislikes; they are capable of making dec

Mentoring young women on politics

Women in Politics Forum is an umbrella body of  all women in Nigerian politics whose membership  cuts across party lines while the DGD proje

Tackling customary practices that impinge family rights

Some of them include disinheritance of women, wife inheritance, wife battery, harmful widowhood rites and parents indiscriminately giving out their ch

Best foods to break your fast with during Ramadan

This is because while the excitement sets in, many barely know the right combination of food to break their fast with. For some, Ramadan is a period w

Washing chicken ‘spreads infection’

Consumers are being warned to stop washing raw chicken as doing so increases the risk of food poisoning.An online survey of 4,500 UK adults by the Foo