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Why youths should acquire vocational skills

The unemployment rate has risen so much that it has dire consequences for the entire nation.Nigeria is a country that is blessed with both human and n

Why do people double date?

Sometimes both partners could be double dating at the same time even when they have proposed marriage to their partners or are engaged. Some people se

Parents beware! Children can spot when you’re lying – and when you hold back information, study claims

Many adults will admit to telling white lies to children to make their lives a little easier.But research has found children can spot this tactic, and

‘Men’s involvement best way to stop violence against women’

Your organization reaches out to women and girls in rural areas, what is your take on the abducted Chibok girls?It is a very sad situation. The fact t

Atika, our Atika

The death of Atika Balal  on Thursday,  May 29, 2014 has certainly caught us unawares,  even though she was on admission in the hospita