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Wrong ways to show love to a child

As adults, we encounter children with weird expectation on how to and how not to be treated. This is all thanks to the very divergent upbringing they&

The soaring relationship between women and makeup

It is now adopted by every woman that wants to appear prettier and presentable in her day to day work or for social events. The aesthetic of the facia

Effects of making your phone the third party

However, with the advent of mobile phones especially smart phones with features like chat rooms, social networking sites, watching videos and playing

How children helped in the race against hunger

About 100 secondary school students between ages nine and fifteen from the institution who belong to the school network called French Agency for Frenc

Problems conceiving? High cholesterol could be to blame for poor fertility

Women with high cholesterol took longer to conceive than those whose readings were normalIt is known to be bad for the heart. But high cholesterol cou