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Home Front

‘Grassroots women need to be sensitised’

What is your take on and women work?I am a clergy but I have to work because the Bible says if you don’t work, you don’t eat. So I have to do business

Respecting an uneducated first wife

They easily forget the fact that probably they had taken the uneducated wives because at that material time they were not having the wherewithal of ma

Fostering partnership between media, women in politics

The media is one of the  critical stakeholders in the political process through its coverage of governance or the  political process and its

What a woman eats before she becomes pregnant affects her child’s health for life

It’s often said you are what you eat.But it seems that what your mother ate is also important.Research points to a woman’s diet before she becomes pre

‘Women should instill spirit of unity in their children’

What inspired you to establish the association?I want unity amongst Nigerian women. I also want to give support to women in the country irrespective o