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Need better ideas? Ask more women

The researchers, led by Anita Williams Wooley of Carnegie Mellon’s Tepper School of Business, were initially examining the concept of collective intel

What to do when employing domestic servants

Some of them sexually abuse children in the home, become in-house informants to armed robbers and kidnappers, broke marriages and even engage in voodo

Why mothers should not always side with their children

Some parents are fond of supporting their children’s version of events believing it is their duty because they gave birth to them or to prove their em

How to trim down your post pregnancy belly

Mrs Renee a fitness expert says the woman can rest a few days after return from hospital and then gradually start with taking walks.“After a week, the

How important is the wedding ring?

But his wife, Caroline did not take it lightly as she suspected her husband of infidelity. The wedding band or ring as it is simply called is oft