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Cooking tips

Therefore, for people who do not like to cook, just because they were never good with it, here are some basic tips that might just help to turn the ta

The need to appreciate each partner’s role in marriage

Shocked at her reply because she never argues with him, the man asked, ‘for what?’ She replied that it was for taking care of their children and looki

Re: Of husbands demanding contribution from their wives

A man deserves praise for providing and catering for the family. Likewise the woman should be hailed for helping the family gets finished food, protec

Ways to help your child get organised

Teaching your children how to be organised from when they are young helps them  achieve deft skills in organising things and with an appreciable

Why do women suffer marital delay?

A lady who is matured enough to go into marriage but does not have the opportunity suffers psychological trauma, reproach, loss of sense of belonging,