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Do you celebrate Valentine Day?

Also called Saint Valentine’s Day or the Feast of Saint Valentine, this day is observed on February 14 each year in many countries of the world includ

Golden tips to buy the best kitchen storage units

The need for proper kitchen storage unitsKitchen storage units are a must-have for keeping large number of kitchen equipments and utensils needed to p

Incurring debts in the name of looking good

Such women make impromptu purchases, and are known  to many hawkers of fashion wares or shop owners.  A woman who earns 50,000 monthly for i

Parents at the mercy of private schools

Such mushroom schools have no proper classrooms, playgrounds and many other requirements for schools.Granted that private schools are helping governme

Reaching out to orphans in Northern Nigeria

The consortium which is made up of organizations including Save the Children International (SCI), Management Sciences for Health (MSH), American Inter