Home Front

Home Front

Strengthening women’s political participation

Women have contested for different positions in the four elections held by the country since its return to democratic rule in 1999 but have had poor r

Why do women pretend about love?

There are divergent views as to why women pretend even when they love a man. A university student, Patricia Agha told our reporter that she also prete

From my mailbox

It is quite a pity that out of desperation, politicians are ready to put to ridicule the great religion of Islam because there is nothing Islamic abou

It’s official! Men do forget more than women

If your husband is absent minded, forgets your wedding anniversary or the name of your new neighbour, don’t worry – you are not alone.New resear

Enhancing your personality through reading

The whole concept of reading seems absurd to them. As a particular friend of mine says, “people go just dey read as if dem get exam”!I am sure that ev