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Absentee dads and their effect on kids

The little girl looked bewildered and during the course of the day inspite of  her father’s  attempt to be close to her,  she was not c

Does daycare turn children into monsters?

Children who spend time in day care centres or with child minders are more likely to have behavioural problems including hyperactivity, new research h

Is communal eating fading away in our homes?

Communal eating involves several people sitting together, to eat from the same plate or table and share available drinks among themselves. This goes t

‘Entrench affirmative action in the constitution’

Briefly tell us about NAWOJBy next year NAWOJ will be 25 years old as an association. It came through the effort of some men journalists, stakeholders

Overcoming challenges as a newly wedded woman

I leave my house at seven thirty but then I cannot get to the office until eight thirty. This is because the traffic on my route is terrible.  I