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It’s true: Women do get more bloated than men – mainly because they have longer intestines

May be to allow them to absorb more water or fluid during childbearing. This means male colon is shaped like a horseshoe, whereas a woman’s is more ‘t

Why would you leave someone you love?

Most times, this union is truncated after many years together. All relationships may not end up in marriage, but it is a general belief that when two

Women most promising market for ICT – UN report

The report estimated that there are currently 200 million fewer women online than men globally and warned that the gap could grow to 350 million withi

Re-Muslim beauty pargeant?

Eka  Shanty should know that not being allowed to wear head scarf by her employers does not mean she should go and innovate something  which

When couple disagree on child discipline

Parents adopt different parenting approaches in disciplining their children.Sarah and Andrew Ayuba in their seven years of marriage have found themsel