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Kitchen setup

In such a setting, it is essential that you organize your kitchen as much as carefully as possible. Most of all, it is important that you have the cor

Why medical tests are necessary before marriage

You should be thinking about life beyond the D-day-not the wedding itself, but after the wedding-specifically, your health. There’s no easy way to bro

Muslim beauty pageant?

On her ‘victory’ Aisha said, “Thanks to Almighty Allah. We are just trying to show the world that Islam is beautiful.” She got the prize of 25 million

Effects of unwanted pregnancy among university students

Today, many young ladies in the universities get pregnant without planning or preparing for it and term such pregnancies “unwanted”. They engage in pr

Balancing the home and work as a career woman

According to the Abuja Chapter Chairperson of the Society of Women Accountants of Nigeria (SWAN) Elizabeth Ajibola, some women pursue only success and