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Bringing children up the right way

The orientation children receive early in life, goes a long way in shaping their ideologies, which paves the way for whatever they become in life. In

Should there be secrets between spouses?

While some people believe there should be no secrets between spouses regardless of whether the information concerns them, their marriage and other peo

What do you look for in a partner?

However,  the question of what people look for in a partner is one that harvest diverse answers and opinions as people have different levels of r

Dangers of over praising your children

This kind of parents can be called “praise-aholic parents”. They believe they must constantly praise their children for them to turn out good. They ce

Till death do us part: How 70% of men would prefer to die before their wives

According to a survey of 1,005 adults conducted by 60 Minutes and Vanity Fair, 70per cent of men would want their wives to outlive them.Women were sli