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How to overcome fear of marriage

Address your fears. If your parents had a bad marriage, understand that every marriage is different, and just because theirs wasn’t healthy doesn’t me

Re-pray, has the culture of toshi died?

The concept of toshi never existed in Islamic culture. Thus it cannot be said to have died. Granted toshi is a Hausa custom and it thrilled young girl

Training tomorrow’s leaders on ICT

In line with this the National Centre for Women Development (NCWD) has commenced a two weeks training on Information and Communication Technology (ICT

Why women shield their hair from rain

Women often times value their hair than their clothes, to understand this watch them when caught in the rain unprepared. They are seen shielding their

When will you walk away ?

Whether you have known that person for just a week or for several years, when you love someone and have decided to date,  you always hope that th