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Why children need playgrounds in schools

According to Dr. Morayo Jimoh, a Chartered Educational Psychologist and Neurofeedback Practitioner “The playground is usually an open outdoor space, i

Poverty and the tragedy at Ramadan charity

According to reports, while people in charge of the charity where packaging the items, the  people that gathered outside the gate for the charity

What to consider when buying blender

Function There are different types of blenders, while some perform a certain kind of function, others perform multiple and even complex functions . Yo

Women need enlightment on political participation–Binta Bello

What is your committee doing about laws that will regulate girl-child education, rape, and child labour and abuse?We have quite a number of bills addr

Health tips on breaking your fast

 Eating certain foods too quickly may cause you to experience health problems like stomachaches, nausea, or diarrhea.  It is therefore impor