Home Front

Home Front

Children under the radar: Unseen and vulnerable

Ruth was 13 years old when it happened. She was seated beside her sister when her sister took the call. Her sister wailed, went limp, then got very ag

‘Women should be seen as humans with right to education’

Nigeria is expected to experience a major demographic transition from 202 million in 2019 to 410 million in 2050 constituting three percent of the wor

Rural women as catalysts to promote safe hygiene and end open defecation in Nigeria

As the sun sets behind the hills of Oke Aladie village, one of the first communities certified as open defecation free (ODF) in Nigeria, Simbiat Afola

We are girls, we are unstoppable, Nigerian girls say

Lawal Aliya, a student of one of the secondary schools in Abuja said, every girlchild has a part to play in life and she must be invested in the area

‘Involve children in decisions concerning them’

Oluwatosin Akinloye is the Child and Youth Safeguarding Advisor for Plan International, a child and girl rights advocacy non-governmental organisation