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Nigerian women want greater role in governance

As participation of women in elective positions continues to dwindle in Nigeria, especially as recorded in the 2019 general elections, women across Af

Tackling under 5 mortality through Open Defecation Free Practice

Many Nigerian children, especially under five years, continue to be the worst hit by the practice of Open Defecation (OD) that is prevalent in many co

Girl-child education campaign driving Northern women

In the past, little or no special attention was paid to girl-child education especially in the northern part of Nigeria as enrolment of girls in schoo

Is releasing salary to husband submission?

The Ochejas (not real name) have been having it tough in their marriage two months after the wife started work. The couple has been living happily tog

Education in emergency: A new way to heal despite Boko Haram

Insurgency has destroyed not just schools but education for children in the North East. Judith Giwa-Amu is an education officer at the United Nations