Home Front

Home Front

Why you need to tidy your home

Decluttering the home has always been a big job for many housewives to the extent that home cleaning businesses started making a fortune from those th

Why do women adopt their spouse’s names?

For years, women have been taking their husband’s surnames upon marriage and it’s become a cultural convention in Nigeria. Although it may not be a mo

Preventing your kitchen from fire outbreak

Properties worth millions of naira are destroyed by fire daily in Nigeria and lives are lost in many instances, or serious injuries, with many of the

How rural women’s voices are changing their communities

Women in rural areas are evolving above the struggle toward only providing food, water and good health for their families. They are, in various sphere

Thought of flower garden?

Growing flowers apart from the fun it creates and bonding, it also creates beauty and gives fresh air to the environment. But certain tips are necessa