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School runs: The burden, the stress

Many parents do not get to see their children in the daytime; no thanks to the nature of their job, while some that get to see them hardly get the tim

Involving children in tidying their room

Tidying up children’s room has always been a difficult task for mothers, especially when they are younger children. Right from the living room t

Sallah: Centre donates clothes, food items to 190 women, children

Over 190 women and their children in Abuja recently received food items and clothes in preparation for Sallah from Azzawaj Women and Children Interven

Traditional dishes, drinks for Eid al-Fitr

Good menus have always been part of festive seasons across the world. Eid al-Fitr is one of such seasons that come with lot of fun and feasting. 

Ever thought of having magazine rack in your home?

A magazine rack or stand is a piece of furniture that is used to hold magazines, newspapers and other periodicals that a homeowner may want to have an