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Scrubbing your face for a perfect look

Facial scrubs are an essential part of cosmetics intended to restore or improve a person’s appearance. People; especially women, do facial scrub

Who should be responsible for a date?

In traditional African setting, men are responsible for meeting a number of the family’s needs; especially ones that have to do with finance. Th

Choosing a shoe rack for your home

It can be disgusting when you enter a room and is greeted by littered shoes. More worrisome is looking for one of a pair of a footwear when you need i

Why we give women revolving loans –Hajiya Asma’u

Hajiya Asma’u Abe Wala is the founder of Az-Zawaj Women and Children Intervention Centre which seeks to address the challenges in the family and

Making the home safe for your baby

Children are curious; they like to explore, put things in their mouth and stick their fingers in unusual places, play with hanging cords and push or p