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Make your room a haven of relaxation

Returning home after a hard day at work to a disheveled bedroom can be frustrating. Many concentrate effort in making their sitting room glittering bu

Protecting your child from sexual abuse

Gory details of how adults sexually molest underage children irrespective of gender continue to trend in the news. Although the girl-child is the most

Pedicuring with caution

Healthy, neat nails and smooth feet, devoid of cracked, hardened skin, are the goal of everyone, but not everybody knows how to properly attend to the

Your dental care starts with that toothbrush

Recently, a video clip went viral on social media. It showed a gecko licking a toothbrush kept in a holder on the hand wash stand in the bathroom. So

Online harassment shouldn’t deter women from internet, says Maryam Ado Haruna

Miss Maryam Ado Haruna is the programme assistant on gender and internet advocacy with the Centre for Information Technology and Development (CITAD) i