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FCT court jails man 12 years for sodomy

A Federal Capital Territory (FCT) High Court sitting in Wuse, Abuja, presided over by  Justice Muhammed Kolo, has sentenced a 48-year-old man, Sh

Child discipline: A necessity in our fast-paced society

   “Don’t worry that children never listen to you; worry that they are always watching you.” -Robert Fulghum Many African

Beauty: Staying glamorous while pregnant

A pregnant woman’s body undergoes so many changes such as swollen feet, oily skin, swollen face, enlarged tummy (due to foetal increase), hormon

Kano spends N200m on mass wedding for 1,520 couples

Kano State government on Sunday sponsored wedding for 1, 520 couples under its mass wedding programme, racking a bill for nearly N200 million. The pro

Kano family law: No going back, says Emir Sanusi

The Emir of Kano, Mallam Muhammadu Sanusi ll has said that no amount of criticism would stop him from ensuring enactment of the proposed Kano family l