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Why every girl needs training in home management

One of the worthy qualities of a good housewife is her ability to manage her home properly. She should neither be too economical nor too extravagant i

Korea donates $500,000 for fistula care

Korean government has donated $500,000 to the United Nations Population Fund to help scale up support for fistula repairs and emergency obstetrics car

Without data, no empowerment for women, girls—Alhasssan

Women affairs and social development minister Aisha Alhassan says a lack of adequate data hampers implementation of policies beneficial to women and g

‘Family planning can accelerate efforts to achieve Africa’s devt goals’

Several stakeholders working in health have called on African countries to facilitate access to voluntary family planning for millions of their women

Dirtiest places and things in our homes

Kitchen sink When you rinse raw meat, fruits, or vegetables, the bacteria have to go somewhere — and that’s in your sink. (You also probab