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‘Children with cerebral palsy should not be hidden, but loved’

Tell us about Hayat Foundation? The NGO is personal to me. I have a son, Hayatullah Yahaya Bello, who was born in 2007, and has cerebral palsy. Of cou

‘Children with cerebral palsy should not be hidden, but loved’

Tell us about Hayat Foundation? The NGO is personal to me. I have a son, Hayatullah Yahaya Bello, who was born in 2007, and has cerebral palsy. Of cou

‘Children with cerebral palsy should not be hidden, but loved’

Tell us about Hayat Foundation? The NGO is personal to me. I have a son, Hayatullah Yahaya Bello, who was born in 2007, and has cerebral palsy. Of cou

Recurring fistula challenge demands community participation

Years of donor-driven projects to prevent and treat fistula in thousands of women across Nigeria have seen little change in the number of women coming

Rape of minors: Tackling a growing menace

The increasing rate of reported rape cases against minors in Nigeria is becoming alarming to the extent that not even toddlers are spared.  Rape