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Afghan president lands in UAE as Taliban widens its grip over his country

President Ashraf Ghani, who fled Afghanistan as Taliban aimed for the presidential palace, has resurfaced in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

Mullah Baradar, co-founder of Taliban returns to Afghanistan after 20 years

The Taliban co-founder and Deputy leader, Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, has returned to Afghanistan after 20 years. This was confirmed by a spokesman fo

UK charities demand targets for settling Afghan refugees

Refugee charities on Tuesday urged the government to set targets on the number of people it aims to settle in Britain who have fled from Afghanistan.

Afghanistan: UNFPA restates commitment to upholding women’s, girls’ rights

The UN Population Fund has restated its commitment not only to supporting Afghan people but uphold the inalienable rights of women and girls.

Thousands rally to demand Germany speed up airlifts out of Afghanistan

Banners and signs were held aloft with slogans such as “Airlift now” and “We have space.”