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Developed nations hijacking COVID-19 vaccines, scientists warn

US has secured 800 million doses of more than six vaccines in development, and it could buy one billion more.

Buhari congratulates new Iranian President Raisi

President Muhammadu Buhari has congratulated Iran’s new president Ebrahim Raisi on his victory at the just concluded election.

South Africa accuses Big Pharma of ‘selfish, unjust’ vaccine policy

South Africa’s president on Monday said the “selfish, unjust” refusal of pharmaceutical companies and allied Western governments to entertain emergenc

Kenneth Kaunda to be buried July 7

Zambia’s founding president Kenneth Kaunda will be buried on July 7, three weeks after he died aged 97, the presidency announced on Monday.

How female migrants are reduced to sex slaves in Libya

But the young woman was simply diabetic.