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Greece lifts quarantine requirement for tourists

Greece plans to lift its one-week quarantine requirement for tourists from European Union countries from Monday. The government’s plan still requires

China to raise proportion of middle-income earners

China’s consumption has been on a continuous rise in recent years, and its consumption structure is also being optimized. Last year, the country

China lifts 770 million rural people out of poverty – report

More than 770 million of China’s rural population living below the current poverty line have been raised from poverty, accounting for more than

Protest erupts in US as Police kill yet another black man

Protesters are currently out on the streets in US over the killing of yet another black man by the Police in the Midwestern City of Minneapolis.  Conv

‘All Chinese schools now have access to Internet’

All Chinese schools now have full access to the Internet, and 95.2 per cent of them are equipped with multi-media classrooms, according to a senior of