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Liberia: Ex-president Sirleaf son charged over banknotes

The son of Liberia’s ex-President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has been charged with economic sabotage in connection with the unlawful printing of local curr

United States: Hillary Clinton rules out 2020 presidential run

Hillary Clinton has ruled out a third US presidential run in 2020. “I’m not running, but I’m going to keep on working and speaking and standing up for

Saudi Arabia: App used to track women ‘not against’ Google rules

Google has remained silent over reports it told a US congresswoman that a controversial app was not in breach of its terms and conditions. Saudi app A

United States: Trump renews Zimbabwe sanctions

Existing US sanctions on Zimbabwe in place since 2003 have been extended for a further 12 months. President Donald Trump says the southern African nat

Algeria: Army talks tough to protesters

Head of the army in Algeria said the military will not allow a breakdown of security or a return to the turbulence of the 1990s that saw 200,000 peopl