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ISRAEL: Netanyahu faces corruption charges

Israel’s attorney general intends to indict Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on corruption charges. Avichai Mandelblit said Mr Netanyahu would face c

VIETNAM: Trump defends Kim over US student’s death

US President Donald Trump has defended North Korean leader Kim Jong-un in the case of an American college student who died after being jailed by North

SENEGAL: President Macky Sall wins second term

Senegal’s President Macky Sall has won a second term of five years, following Sunday’s election. He took 58% of the vote in the poll in which he faced

ARGENTINA: 11-yr-old’s C-section sparks abortion debate

News that doctors performed a caesarean section on an 11-year-old rape victim has reignited a debate on Argentina’s abortion rules. The girl became pr

CANADA: Trudeau denies wrongdoing in corruption case

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has denied wrongdoing after he tried to shield one of the country’s biggest firms from a graft trial. Mr Trudea