Islamic Forum

Islamic Forum

Indonesian scholars declare cryptocurrency haram

The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), the nation’s top Islamic scholars body has officially declared cryptocurrency ‘haram’, or forbidden.  The decision

Canadian Muslims demand legislation against Islamophobia

The National Council of Canadian Muslims has called on the provincial government of Ontario to take measures, including legislation, to curb acts of h

New initiative to empower Muslims in film after years of orientalism

A Muslim advocacy group in the United States has launched an artist database with support from Disney to address portrayals of Muslims behind the scre

The mansions in our cities and their real owners

It is a mansion. Everything about it gives a sense of splendor; of the presence of everything money could buy. From a distance, the passer-by could co

US records historic American Muslim electoral victories

Many American Muslim candidates on Tuesday won mayoral, legislative and city council elections in several cities in Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota