Islamic Forum

Islamic Forum

Uyghur imams targeted in China’s Xinjiang crackdown

China has detained or imprisoned more than 600 Uyghur imams and other religious figures since 2014 as part of the country’s ongoing crackdown on the X

Ayyaman Maʻdudat-Just before saying bye to Ramadan

In other words, when transposed to the larger mundane and profane spheres of human life

Hands off my hijab! Young Muslim women protest

The place of religion and religious symbols worn in public is a long-running matter of controversy in France, a staunchly secular country and home

Insecurity: Police, customs chiefs urge revival of religious values

While admonishing the affluent to reach out to the needy, they submitted that poverty and absence of love are behind some of the security challenges f

Benefits of fasting during Ramadan (I)

Exactly what are the benefits derivable from fasting in the month of Ramadan? As at the last time I ruminated over this question, I discovered nothing