Islamic Forum

Islamic Forum

The debate between Imam Abu Hanifah and Imam Malik (I)

Hardly is there a culture in which disagreement on the branches of the religion and its practical manifestation in the secular spheres of life viewed

Islamic council seeks halal ruling before COVID-19 vaccination

Indonesia’s highest Muslim clerical council aims to issue a ruling on whether a COVID-19 vaccine is halal, or permissible under Islam, before the coun

Tigray crisis: Ethiopia to repair al-Nejashi, Africa’s first mosque

The Ethiopian government has promised to repair a centuries-old mosque that was damaged during the conflict in the northern Tigray region. The al-Neja

COVID-19, trial from Allah – Cleric

The Chief Imam of al-Huda Masjid Byazhin-Kubwa, Abuja, Dr. Rafee’ Owonla Busayree Al-Ijebuwi, has said that the raging COVID-19 pandemic is a trial fr

Year 2020 is at the ‘train station’

Suddenly, the cathedrals are filled to the brim; all of a sudden, the mosques are ‘invaded’ by those who never visited them twelve months before. We c