Islamic Forum

Islamic Forum

In Edo, neither APC nor PDP merits a pint of your blood

Yes I equally know that neither President Muhammad Buhari (PMB) nor Alhaj Atiku Abubabakr (AAA) would offer their son or sons as sacrifice to appease

Hundreds of mourners honour man stabbed to death outside mosque

Mohamed-Aslim Zafis spent his last hours as he did countless ones before — volunteering at a northwest Toronto mosque in Canada and helping those in n

On the spiritual power of the Qur’an

What is the Quran? The Qur’an is the last testament from the Creator of the heavens and earth to humanity. It is an extremely engaging book which cont

UK MPs condemn ethnic cleansing of China’s Uighur Muslims

More than 100 British parliamentarians have written to China’s UK ambassador to condemn the ethnic cleansing of Uighur Muslims in the country’s north.

Myanmar soldiers confess to mass murder of Rohingya Muslims

Two Myanmar soldiers have revealed that they were told to ‘shoot what you hear’ as they ‘wiped out’ villages of Rohingya Muslims, raped women and exec