Islamic Forum

Islamic Forum

Mosques in England to remain opened under new COVID-19 rules

UK Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, has confirmed that places of worship in England, including mosques, will be allowed to keep their doors open despite

On Hijrah and the Makkahs of today (II)

The Quran has not effusively ‘celebrated’ the Hijrah probably because to do that would have run contrary to the Qur’anic style: a style which gives pr

NASFAT Zakat agency raises N245m, lifts 35,000 indigents

The Zakat arm of Nasrullahi Fathi Society (NASFAT), NASFAT Agency for Zakat and Sadaqat says it has raised over N245m in the last six years of its ope

Indian MPs grill Facebook over anti-Muslim posts

An Indian parliamentary committee has grilled a top Facebook executive after the social media giant was accused of bias and not acting against anti-Mu

Muslim scholars slam reprinting of anti-Islam cartoons

A leading global group of Muslim scholars, Thursday, condemned French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo for republishing offensive caricatures of Islam