Islamic Forum

Islamic Forum

Where are the owners of these mansions?

It is a mansion. Everything about it gives a sense of splendour; of the presence of everything money could buy. From a distance, the passer-by could c

Being faithful after Ramadan (II)

Yes! If indeed you fasted during the just concluded month of Ramadan, that means you should have undergone training in how to avoid gossip and ‘gistin

Outrage as US university cancels Muslim valedictorian’s speech

A top United States university has cancelled its plans for a graduation speech by a meritorious Muslim student after pro-Israel groups criticised her

Canada to introduce ‘halal mortgage’ for Muslims

Canada’s federal government has announced plans to explore new measures to make homeowning more accessible, including introducing alternative financin

New Jersey probes hate crime after Islamic centre is vandalized at US varsity

An Islamic centre at New Jersey’s Rutgers University in the United States was vandalized on the Muslim holiday of Eid-al-Fitr, according to authoritie