Islamic Forum

Islamic Forum

Remembering Floyd, Azeezat and Barakat (II)

Thus, they entered into her room. They hid under darkness. They entered into her homestead at a time nobody except the Almighty could have seen them.

Revenue loss for tour operators as S/Arabia restricts hajj pilgrims

Hajj tour operators in Nigeria have said that the Saudi Arabia’s decision to scale back this year’s hajj pilgrimage will result in major loss of reven

Saudi Arabia lists six conditions for 2020 hajj

The Saudi Arabia government has listed six conditions that must be met by prospective pilgrims for this year’s Hajj. Two options for Nigerian pilgrims

Saudi lifts COVID-19 curfew as Umrah, international flights still halted

Saudi Arabia on Saturday said it would lift a nationwide curfew imposed to contain the spread of the coronavirus.

Remembering Floyd, Azeezat and Barakat (I)

It felt as if our world had suddenly become an empire of Beelzebub- of violence and deaths, of horrific events and egregious occurrences. Ours is no a