Islamic Forum

Islamic Forum

US government sues Detroit suburb over mosque rejection

The U.S. Justice Department is suing a Detroit suburb after a Muslim group failed to win local approval to turn a commercial building into a mosque an

Saudi Arabia’s plans $267m Islamic Bond sale

Saudi Real Estate Refinance Co., the kingdom’s first mortgage-refinancing firm, plans to raise as much as 1 billion riyals ($267 million) in Islamic b

Holland’s biggest mosque drops imam

The Essalam Mosque in Rotterdam, the largest mosque in the Netherlands, decided to break ties with imam Said Abarkan over Salafist remarks he made in

Kaduna imams impacted with life skills to fight corruption 

Seventy Imams in Kaduna State have been impacted with life skills in a bid to fight corruption in Nigerian societies. Speaking at the training in Kadu

NASFAT donates gifts to inmates at Ikoyi Correctional Centre

The NasruLhai-l-Fatih Society (NASFAT) has enjoined the inmates of Ikoyi Correctional Centre (formerly Ikoyi Prison) not to lose hope. The organisatio