Islamic Forum

Islamic Forum

Reducing hunger pangs while fasting

Keeping a lid on those frequent hunger bangs you get during a day of fasting can put a damper on the whole essence of fasting, and instead, directing

Making the most out of Ramadan

Ramadan is guilty of flying by faster than it came. So its important we engage ourselves to see we make the most of the month before it leaves until n

Women and the month of Ramadan

In the name of Allah, most beneficent, most merciful Assalaamu Alaikum! This week’s Talk focuses on the ruling on fasting for women and some of the pe

NAHCON Central security c’ttee begins groundwork for 2019 Hajj

The Chairman of the National Hajj Commission of Nigeria (NAHCON), Abdullahi M. Muhammad, has inaugurated a central security monitoring team for 2019 H

Ramadan and the Almighty Formula

He is the Almighty! There is no god but He; the Living, the Eternal. He neither slumbers nor sleeps; to Him belongs all that is in the Heavens and the