Islamic Forum

Islamic Forum

Canadian Muslim organisation against ‘honour’ crimes

Just released is a new study on gender-based violence (GBV) called, “Dishonourable Violence: Changing the Narratives on Honour and Shame Among Muslim

Watch out for new moon of Rajab- Sultan

The Sultan of Sokoto, Alhaji Sa’ad Abubakar III, on Wednesday urged Muslims to start looking for the new moon of Rajab 1440AH. Abubkar stated this in

Tafsir: Izala denies plot to ban shaikh Bauchi from Kaduna

The Kaduna State Chairman of Izalatil Bid’ah Wa Iqamatis Sunnah ( JIBWIS) Imam Mohammed Tukur Isa has denied the alleged plot to ban Shaikh Dahi

On the election of last Saturday

“The leader of a nation is their servant”. This statement was made over a thousand four hundred and forty years ago by the Prophet Islam, Prophet Muha

British Muslim leaders visit churches, temples, synagogues

As hate crimes rise, Muslim leaders take the lead in visiting Churches, Synagogues and Temples Symbolic interfaith visits come in week where over 250