Islamic Forum

Islamic Forum

MPs back campaign to put Muslim heroine on British bank note

British politicians have thrown their weight behind a campaign to make a Muslim spy who resisted the Nazis the new face of the £50 note. Aged just 29,

Egypt: Dar Al-Ifta launches World Fatwa Index to regulate issuance of religious edicts

Egypt’s Dar Al-Ifta, the body responsible for issuing religious edicts, announced on Thursday the launch of the World Fatwa Index to regulate the issu

Why non-Muslims are converting to sharia finance

The Halal restaurants established by Muslim migrants in Britain quickly inspired an almost religious following among non-believers. Now a similar conv

NAHCON chairman meets Saudi envoy, lauds kingdom’s efforts during Hajj

The Saudi Ambassador to Nigeria, Adnan Bustaji met at his office in Abuja Monday with Abdullahi Mukhtar, Chairman of National Hajj Commission of Niger

NSCIA condemns Jos violence, urges FG to prosecute perpetrators

The Nigerian Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs (NSCIA), under the leadership of its President-General, the Sultan of Sokoto, Alhaji Muhammad Sa’ad A