Islamic Forum

Islamic Forum

China Uighurs: Xinjiang legalises ‘re-education’ camps

China’s western Xinjiang region has written “vocational training centres” for Muslim Uighurs into law amid growing international concern over large-sc

Istanbul to host ‘Ummah’ confab on challenges facing Muslim world

An Istanbul university will host the second edition of the “International Conference on the Muslim Ummah” between Oct. 14 and 16 that will bring toget

2019: Muslims give conditions to back Ogun gov candidates

Muslims in Ogun State under the aegis of the Muslim Congress (TMC) and the Organisation of Tadhamunul-Muslimeen (OTM) have identified respect for thei

Muslim women look beyond maintaining matrimonial homes, acquire education – Sultan

Sultan of Sokoto, Muhammad Sa’ad Abubakar has urged Islamic Scholars to always offer him useful advices in leading the Ummah. “We should b

The believer and the pursuit of happiness in this world (II)

In other words, whenever we indulge in the assumption that our obedience to the Almighty has become so enamored and strong as to serve as a shield for