Islamic Forum

Islamic Forum

Muslim Council of Britain to train women to run mosques

Britain’s leading Muslim organisation has launched a scheme to train women for leadership positions in mosques and community bodies. Twenty women have

Canada: Islamic veil allowed in legal hearing

A judge cannot refuse to take testimony from a woman because she is wearing an Islamic veil, a Canadian court ruled on Wednesday. A citizen may wear a

Malaysia maintains position as Islamic Finance global leader

Malaysia has maintained its position as the global leader in Islamic finance and the sector has matured to become vibrant with a diverse set of indust

The believer and the pursuit of happiness in this world (I)

Exactly what is the reason for the conflicts and crises in the world? I hold, in response, that the pursuit of power, of happiness and pleasures of li

Beef up unity to protect Islamic identity, says security expert

Well-orchestrated attempts are being made globally to erode Islamic identity but these can be foiled if Muslim countries strengthen their unity, accor