Islamic Forum

Islamic Forum

Tijjaniya leaders in Adamawa declare Haqiqah sect as non-Muslims

 Tijjaniyyah scholars in Adamawa State have condemned the strange doctrine of a sect known as Haqiqa which claimed Ramadan fasting and five daily

Hajj: Pilgrims warned against drug, bad conducts

Intending Muslim pilgrims to this year’s Hajj in Saudi Arabia have been warned against carrying illicit drugs or being of unruly character capab

Hajj: Airlift of Sokoto Pilgrims begins tomorrow

Airlift of this year’s intending pilgrims from Sokoto to Saudi Arabia will commence tomorrow Monday, 30th July, Amirul Hajj, Sokoto state, Profe

Her mother paid her way into slavery

In search of Gold, in search of dollars. She is a big trader in one of the big cities in the city and by all standards neither she nor her husband cou

Philippine leader approves autonomy law for Muslim region

President Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines has signed a landmark law aimed at giving expanded autonomy to Muslims in the south of the country, his s