Islamic Forum

Islamic Forum

Exactly how much does a prayer weigh?

My initial plan in this Forum today was to nudge the conscience of Muslims members of parliament and to challenge them to dispel the rumor that this y

Group offers free medical services to Abuja community

The Muslim Congress (TMC), Federal Capital Territory Chapter, has offered free medical services to residents of Mpape, a suburb in Bwari Area Council.

Austrian Muslims condemn hijab ban proposal

Austrian Muslims and a number of other civil society associations on Thursday strongly condemned a legal proposal to impose a ‘hijab’ ban

Muslim lawyers protest new FCT court dress code

 The Muslim Lawyers’ Association of Nigeria, MULAN, has condemned the new directive by the High Court of the Federal Capital Territory, Abu

Intending pilgrims urged to pay deposit, as NAHCON extends registration deadline

Kaduna State Muslim Pilgrims Welfare Board has advised intending pilgrims for the 2018 pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia in the state to pay their deposit of