Islamic Forum

Islamic Forum

The magic in a loaf of bread

The old man was sitting in his usual place. He was busy chanting the beautiful names of the Almighty. Even then, his mouth was equally busy munching t

”Isolated” Muslims in Oxford ”must be integrated”

Isolated groups of Muslims holding meetings in the city away from mainstream mosques must be ‘brought back to the table’ to improve integr

Vigil held in London to protest Islamophobic attacks

A group of activists held a vigil Wednesday in the British capital to support the victims of the most recent anti-Muslim attacks in the UK. Stand Up T

Philippines official calls for Muslim ID cards

Officials in the Philippines have suggested introducing special ID cards for Muslims as the army battles an Islamic State militant group (ISIS) insurg

Islam fastest growing religion in Sydney

A breakdown in data from Census 2016 shows that almost half of Australia’s Muslim population now lives in Sydney.  The number of Muslims li