Islamic Forum

Islamic Forum

Operators oppose return of hajj commission to Foreign Affairs

The Association for Hajj and Umrah Operators of Nigeria (AHUON) has rejected the call that hajj operation in the country be returned to the Ministry o

Bridge building between Christians and Muslims (I)

With nearly one billion followers each, Islam and Christianity are major religions that influence the thinking and values of over 40 percent of the Wo

Rohingya Muslims’ persecution: OIC, Pope, HRW flay Myanmar

The reports of mass killings, gang rapes of the Rohingya Muslims and burning of their villages in Myanmar by extremist Buddhists and the military have

Hijab wearing: The controversies, fictions and facts

The World Hijab Day is held on every Feb. 1 to promote religious tolerance, solidarity with Muslim women worldwide, emphasise the religious

Priest who converted to Islam tells his reason

Teaching about Islam taught me many things. I enjoyed being a priest helping the people for some years. However, deep inside I was not happy and I fel