Islamic Forum

Islamic Forum

Hajj 2017: NAHCON moves to cut fares over Dollar scarcity

Following the rising exchange rate that is likely to raise the 2017 hajj fares, the National Hajj Commission of Nigeria (NAHCON) has said that it was

World Hijab Day: ”Opposition to hijab usage benefiting Muslim women”

The pockets of opposition to the usage of Hijab by Muslim women across the world though painful has rather been beneficial, the Coalition of Nigerian

Being the best neighbour

A neighbour is one who lives near or next to another. Al-Hasan was asked about the neighbour and said, “The term ’neighbour’ include

National Board for Arabic and Islamic Studies: The journey so far (III)

The present Hon. Minister of Education and the Federal Executive Council merely handled the matter pending before them with the approval given to the

Saudi Arabia: Terrorists exploit conservative nature of women

Terrorists have been exploiting the attitudes of Saudi society towards women in carrying out their terrorist acts, a news report said on Monday. Accor