Islamic Forum

Islamic Forum

Virtue of patience and how to attain it (1)

Allāah ta‘āalāa mentions in the Qur’āan, “Everything is going to perish except His Face (His Being).” (28:88) This phenomenon

German Scholar: Qur’an traditions are found in European culture

First making her reputation with her work, the “Studies on the Composition of the Meccan Suras”, Angelika Neuwirth’s work has become

New year resolution from a Muslim’s viewpoint

New year resolution for the Muslim is a daily, not annual routine when, for some, one looks back at the previous year, and assesses how it went. 

In these Muslim countries women are 50% of students in technical professions

Engineering classes look different in Jordan, Malaysia and Tunisia, and it has nothing to do their lecture slides. Up to 50 per cent of university stu

The importance of Tashu’a and Ashura fasting

The issue of fasting of Tashu’a and Ashura in the blessed month of Muharram is among the most debated in the Islamic world.  “Verily,